Apply online - Reference number 1338, Service Technician

  • Please enter here how you learned about the position.

  • By submitting your application you confirm that you have read and understood our data protection declaration. Please choose whether you want us to delete your data after a rejection or whether we may suggest interesting and suitable positions until your revocation.

    Please enable JavaScript so that you can upload Files.
    2. Upload Files
  • You can upload files for your application here. Files of the type jpg, jpeg, pdf are possible. Ideally, individual Files should not be larger than 2 MB. You can upload a total of 5 MB.
  • Please name the documents in a meaningful way. For example: curriculum vitae.pdf, cover letter.pdf, certificates.pdf, etc.
    Please enable JavaScript so that you can upload Files.
    2. Upload Files
  • Your application cannot be sent?

    If you are not forwarded to the "THANK YOU" page after clicking the "Apply" button, please check that you have filled in all the required fields. Pay attention to the red information bars above the respective input fields and correct the entries!

    How do I know whether my application has been received?

    Once the data has been successfully transmitted, you will automatically be forwarded to the "THANK YOU" page. This will serve as confirmation of receipt.